Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals (*Corresponding Author; UG Authors)
49. K. Sharma, S. Che, S. K. Behura, N. Dandu, A. Shinde, A. Ngo, and V. Berry, “η6 Organometallic Functionalization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Implications for Multifunctional Molecular and Nanoscale Interface for Electronic Devices,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 8, p. 233-243 (2025).
48. A. Cobarrubia, N. Schottle, D. Suliman, S. Gomez, C. Patino, B. Keifer, and S. K. Behura*, "Hexagonal Boron Nitride Quantum Simulator: Prelude to Spin and Photonic Qubits," ACS Nano, Vol. 18, p. 22609-22619 (2024).
47. L. Lipsa, S. Parida, S. K. Behura, A. Choudhury, and A. Roy, "Scalable Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting from PVDF-HFP/BZT-BCT/GO Hybrid Composite Film," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 125, p. 043902 (2024).
46. R. Rajan, K. Appavoo, C. Lungu, S. K. Behura, V. Thomas, "Plasma-Corona Processed Nanostructured Coating for Thermo-regulative Textiles," ACS Applied Polymer Materials, Vol. 6, p. 14047-14056 (2024).
45. K. Chowdhury, S. K. Behura, M. Rahimi, and M. Heydari Gharahcheshmeh, "oCVD PEDOT-Cl Thin Film Fabricated by SbCl5 Oxidant as the Hole Transport Layer to Enhance the Perovskite Solar Cell Device Stability," ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol. 7, p. 1068-1079 (2024).
44. C. Okeke, I. Juma, A. Cobarrubia, N. Schottle, H. Maddah, M. Mortazavi, and S. K. Behura*, "Probing Anharmonic Phonons in WS2 van der Waals Crystal by Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning," iScience, Vol. 26, p. 107174 (2023).
43. H. Maddah, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura, "Simple Harmonic Oscillation Model Explaining MA Torsional Locking in Surface Passivated MAPbI3 Crystal," Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 806, p. 139967 (2022).
42. S. P. Muduli, S. Parida, S. K. Behura, S. Rajput, S. Rout, and S. Sareen, "Synergistic Effect of Graphene on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Characteristic of PVDF-(BZT-BCT) Composite for Energy Harvesting Applications," Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Vol. 33, p. 3628-3642 (2022). [Citations >35]
41. T. Hesabizedeh, N. Jebari, A. Madouri, G. Hallais, T. E. Clark, S. K. Behura, E. Herth, and G. Guisbiers, "Electric-Field-Induced Phase Change in Copper Oxide Nanostructures," ACS Omega, Vol. 6, p. 33130-33140 (2021).
40. I. Juma, G. Kim, D. Jariwala, and S. K. Behura*, "Direct Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Non-Metallic Substrates and Its Heterostructures with Graphene," iScience, Vol. 24, p. 103374 (2021). [Citations >35]
39. H. Maddah, L. Aryadwita, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura*, "Perovskite Semiconductor-Engineered Cascaded Molecular Energy Levels in Naturally-Sensitized Photoanodes," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 151, p. 111606 (2021).
38. S. K. Behura*, A. Miranda, S. Nayak, K. Johnson, P. Das, and N. R. Pradhan, "Moiré Physics in Twisted van der Waals Heterostructures of 2D Materials," Emergent Materials, Vol. 4, p. 813-826 (2021). [Citations >40]
37. P. Das, S. K. Behura, S. A. McGill, D. Raghavan, A. Karim, and N. R. Pradhan, "Development of Photovoltaic Solar Cells Based on Heterostructure of Layered Materials: Challenges and Opportunities," Emergent Materials, Vol. 4, p. 881-900 (2021).
36. A. Pendse, S. Cetindag, P. Rehak, S. K. Behura, H. Gao, L. Nguyen, T. Wang, V. Berry, P. Král, J. Shan, and S. Kim, "Highly Efficient Osmotic Energy Harvesting in Charged Boron-Nitride-Nanopore Membranes," Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 31, p. 2009586 (2021). [Citations >80]
35. P. S. Emani, H. A. Maddah, A. Rangoonwala, S. Che, A. Prajapati, M. R. Singh, D. M. Gruen*, V. Berry*, and S. K. Behura*, "Organophilicity of Graphene Oxide for Enhanced Wettability of ZnO Nanorods," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 12, p. 39772-39780 (2020).
34. H. A. Maddah, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura*, “Biomolecular Photosensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Recent Developments and Critical Insights,” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 121, p. 109678 (2020). [Citations >130]
33. H. A. Maddah, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura*, “Cuboctahedral Stability in Titanium Halide Perovskites via Machine Learning,” Computational Materials Science, Vol. 173, p. 109415 (2020). [Citations >35]
32. C. Wang, S. K. Behura*, V. Berry*, "Temperature Dependent Device Characteristics of Graphene/h-BN/Si Heterojunction," Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 35, p. 075020 (2020).
31. S. Che, S. K. Behura, and V. Berry, “Photo-Organometallic, Nanoparticle-Nucleation on Graphene for Cascaded-Doping,” ACS Nano, Vol. 13, p. 12929-12938 (2019).
30. S. K. Behura*, C. Wang, Y. Wen, and V. Berry*, "Graphene-Semiconductor Heterojunction Sheds Light on Emerging Photovoltaics," Nature Photonics, Vol. 13, p. 312-318 (2019). [Citations >135]
[Highlighted as 'UIC Chemical Engineering Researchers Work on Emerging Photovoltaics': ChE News].
29. R. Debbarma, S. K. Behura*, Y. Wen, S. Che, and V. Berry*, “WS2-Induced Enhanced Optical Absorption and Efficiency in Graphene/Si Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells,” Nanoscale, Vol. 10, p. 20218-20225 (2018). [Citations >20]
28. K. Jasuja, K. Ayinde, C. L. Wilson, S. K. Behura, M. A. Ikenbbery, D. Moore, K. Hohn, and V. Berry, “Introduction of Protonated Sites on Exfoliated, Large-Area Sheets of Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” ACS Nano, Vol. 12, p. 9931-9939 (2018). [Citations >60]
[Highlighted as 'UIC Chemical Engineers First to Functionalize Boron Nitride': EurekAlert & Phys.Org].
27. P. Nguyen#, S. K. Behura#, M. R. Seacrist, and V. Berry, “Intergrain Diffusion of Carbon Radical for Wafer-Scale, Direct Growth of Graphene on Silicon-based Dielectrics,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 10, p. 26517-26525 (2018). (#P.N. and S.K.B Contributed Equally)
[Highlighted as 'New Trickle-Down Method Developed to 'Grow' Graphene': NDTV & Financial Express].
26. S. Che, K. Jasuja, S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, T. S. Sreeprasad, and V. Berry, "Retained Carrier-Mobility and Enhanced Plasmonic-Photovoltaics of Graphene via Ring-Centered η6 Functionalization and Nanointerfacing," Nano Letters, Vol. 17, p. 4381-4389 (2017). [Citations >50]
[Highlighted as 'New Chemical Method could Revolutionize Graphene': EurekAlert (AAAS) & Phys.Org].
25. S. K. Behura, K-C. Chang, Y. Wen, R. Debbarma, P. Nguyen, S. Che, S. Deng, M. R. Seacrist, and V. Berry, "WS2/Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells," IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, Vol. 11, p. 33-38 (2017). [Citations >20]
24. S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, R. Debbarma, S. Che, M. R. Seacrist, and V. Berry, "Chemical Interaction-Guided, Metal-Free Growth of Large-Area Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Si-based Substrates," ACS Nano, Vol. 11, p. 4985-4994 (2017). [Citations >40]
[Highlighted as 'Paper-Thin Graphene Electronics Move Closer to Reality': Nature India].
23. S. K. Behura*, H. Haokip, C. Goel, S. Nayak*, P. Mahala, R. Kapadia, and O. Jani, "Photovoltaic and Impedance Spectroscopic Characteristics of Heterojunction of Graphene-PEDOT:PSS Composite and n-Silicon Prepared via Solution-based Process," Materials Research Innovations, Vol. 21, p. 263-268 (2017).
22. S. Deng, E. Gao, Y. Wang, S. Sen, T. S. Sreeprasad, S. K. Behura, P. Král, Z. Xu, and V. Berry, "Confined, Oriented and Electrically Anisotropic Graphene Wrinkles on Bacteria," ACS Nano, Vol. 10, p. 8403-8412 (2016). [Citations >45]
[Highlighted as 'Germs Add Ripples to Make 'Groovy' Graphene': The Economist].
21. R. Debbarma, S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, T. S. Sreeprasad, and V. Berry, "Electrical Transport and Network Percolation in Graphene and Boron Nitride Mixed-Platelet Structures," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 8, p. 8721-8727 (2016).[Citations >20]
20. P. Mahala, A. Kumar, S. Nayak, S. K. Behura*, C. Dhanavantri, and O. Jani, "Graphene, Conducting Polymer and their Composites as Transparent and Current Spreading Electrode in GaN Solar Cells," Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol. 92, p. 366-373 (2016). [Citations >20]
19. S. Nayak, S. K. Behura, B. P. Singh, and S. Bhattacharjee, "Flexible Polymer-CNTs Composite Developed by In-Situ Polymerization Technique," Polymer Composites, Vol. 37, p. 2860-2870 (2016).
18. S. K. Behura*, Q. Yang, A. Hirose, S. Nayak, O. Jani, and I. Mukhopdhyay, "Electrical Characteristics of Horizontally and Vertically Oriented Few-Layer Graphene on Si-based Dielectrics," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 16, p. 6246-6251 (2016).
17. S. K. Behura*, S. Nayak, Q. Yang, A. Hirose, and O. Jani, “Chemical Vapor Deposited Few-Layer Graphene as an Electron Field Emitter,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 16, p. 287-295 (2016).
16. S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, S. Che, R. Debbarma, and V. Berry, "Large-Area, Transfer-Free, Oxide-Assisted Synthesis of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Films and their Heterostructures with MoS2 and WS2," Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 137, p. 13060-13065 (2015). [Citations >145]
15. S. K. Behura and V. Berry, "Interfacial Nondegenerate Doping of MoS2 and Other Two-Dimensional Semiconductors," ACS Nano, Vol. 9, p. 2227-2230 (2015). [Citations >35]
14. K. Batra, S. Nayak, S. K. Behura*, and O. Jani, “Optimizing Performance Parameters of Chemically-Derived Graphene/p-Si Heterojunction Solar Cell,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 15, p. 4877-4882 (2015).
13. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura, A. Ray, C. Dhanavantri, and O. Jani, “GaN/InxGa1-xN/GaN P-I-N Solar Cell with Indium Compositional Grading,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 47, p. 1117-1126 (2015).
12. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura, C. Dhanavantri, A. Ray, and O. Jani, “Metal/InGaN Schottky Junction Solar Cells: An Analytical Approach,” Applied Physics A, Vol. 118, p. 1459-1468 (2015). [Citations >15]
11. S. K. Behura*, P. Mahala, S. Nayak, and O. Jani, “Graphene as Transparent and Current Spreading Electrode in Silicon Solar Cell,” AIP Advances, Vol. 4, p. 117111 (2014).
10. S. K. Behura, Q. Yang, A. Hirose, O. Jani, and I. Mukhopadhyay, “Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Si Nanowires by Oxidation and Reduction Process,” Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 49, p. 3592-97 (2014).
[Highlighted as 'Simple Cheap Way to Make Silicon Nanowires': Nature India & Times of India].
9. S. K. Behura, P. Mahala, S. Nayak, Q. Yang, I. Mukhopadhyay, and O. Jani, “Fabrication of Bi-Layer Graphene and Theoretical Simulation for its Possible Application in Thin Film Solar Cell,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 14, p. 3022-3027 (2014). [Citations >20]
8. S. Nayak, S. K. Behura, S. Bhattacharjee, B. P. Singh, O. Jani, and I. Mukhopadhyay, “Transparent Conductive MWCNTs-Polymer Composite for Electrode Applications," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 14, p. 2816-2822 (2014).
7. S. K. Behura*, S. Nayak, I. Mukhopadhyay, and O. Jani, “Junction Characteristics of Chemically-Derived Graphene/p-Si Heterojunction Solar Cell,” Carbon, Vol. 67, p. 766-774 (2014). [Citations >80]
[Highlighted as 'State Scientists’ Solar Power Plan to Lift Cost Cloud': Times of India].
6. S. K. Behura, I. Mukhopadhyay, A. Hirose, Q. Yang, and O. Jani, “Vertically-Oriented Few-Layer Graphene as an Electron Field-Emitter,” Physica Status Solidi A, Vol. 210, p. 1817-1821 (2013). [Citations >35]
[Highlighted as 'Standing Graphene Film Scores over Flat Cousin': Nature India].
5. S. K. Behura, P. Mahala, A. Ray, I. Mukhopadhyay, and O. Jani, “Theoretical Simulation of Photovoltaic Response of Graphene-on-Semiconductors,” Applied Physics A, Vol. 111, p. 1159-1163 (2013). [Citations >25]
4. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura, A. S. Kushwaha, A. Ray, O. Jani, and C. Dhanavantri, “A Study on the 2D Simulation of Pt/InGaN/GaN/Metal Schottky Junction Solar Cell,” Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 28, p. 055012 (2013).
3. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura*, and A. Ray, "Analytical Estimate of Open-Circuit Voltage of a Schottky Barrier Solar Cell under High Level Injection," Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, Vol. 3, p. 979-991 (2011).
2. S. K. Behura, P. Mahala, A. Ray, “A Model on the Effect of Injection Levels over the Open-Circuit Voltage of Schottky Barrier Solar Cells,” Journal of Electron Devices, Vol. 10, p. 471-482 (2011). [Citations >10]
1. S. M. Majhi, S. K. Behura, S. Bhattacharjee, B. P. Singh, T. K. Chongdar, N. M. Gokhale, and L. Besra, “Anode Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) by Electrophoretic Deposition,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, p. 14930-14935 (2011). [Citations >50]
49. K. Sharma, S. Che, S. K. Behura, N. Dandu, A. Shinde, A. Ngo, and V. Berry, “η6 Organometallic Functionalization of Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Implications for Multifunctional Molecular and Nanoscale Interface for Electronic Devices,” ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol. 8, p. 233-243 (2025).
48. A. Cobarrubia, N. Schottle, D. Suliman, S. Gomez, C. Patino, B. Keifer, and S. K. Behura*, "Hexagonal Boron Nitride Quantum Simulator: Prelude to Spin and Photonic Qubits," ACS Nano, Vol. 18, p. 22609-22619 (2024).
47. L. Lipsa, S. Parida, S. K. Behura, A. Choudhury, and A. Roy, "Scalable Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting from PVDF-HFP/BZT-BCT/GO Hybrid Composite Film," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 125, p. 043902 (2024).
46. R. Rajan, K. Appavoo, C. Lungu, S. K. Behura, V. Thomas, "Plasma-Corona Processed Nanostructured Coating for Thermo-regulative Textiles," ACS Applied Polymer Materials, Vol. 6, p. 14047-14056 (2024).
45. K. Chowdhury, S. K. Behura, M. Rahimi, and M. Heydari Gharahcheshmeh, "oCVD PEDOT-Cl Thin Film Fabricated by SbCl5 Oxidant as the Hole Transport Layer to Enhance the Perovskite Solar Cell Device Stability," ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol. 7, p. 1068-1079 (2024).
44. C. Okeke, I. Juma, A. Cobarrubia, N. Schottle, H. Maddah, M. Mortazavi, and S. K. Behura*, "Probing Anharmonic Phonons in WS2 van der Waals Crystal by Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning," iScience, Vol. 26, p. 107174 (2023).
43. H. Maddah, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura, "Simple Harmonic Oscillation Model Explaining MA Torsional Locking in Surface Passivated MAPbI3 Crystal," Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 806, p. 139967 (2022).
42. S. P. Muduli, S. Parida, S. K. Behura, S. Rajput, S. Rout, and S. Sareen, "Synergistic Effect of Graphene on Dielectric and Piezoelectric Characteristic of PVDF-(BZT-BCT) Composite for Energy Harvesting Applications," Polymers for Advanced Technologies, Vol. 33, p. 3628-3642 (2022). [Citations >35]
41. T. Hesabizedeh, N. Jebari, A. Madouri, G. Hallais, T. E. Clark, S. K. Behura, E. Herth, and G. Guisbiers, "Electric-Field-Induced Phase Change in Copper Oxide Nanostructures," ACS Omega, Vol. 6, p. 33130-33140 (2021).
40. I. Juma, G. Kim, D. Jariwala, and S. K. Behura*, "Direct Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Non-Metallic Substrates and Its Heterostructures with Graphene," iScience, Vol. 24, p. 103374 (2021). [Citations >35]
39. H. Maddah, L. Aryadwita, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura*, "Perovskite Semiconductor-Engineered Cascaded Molecular Energy Levels in Naturally-Sensitized Photoanodes," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 151, p. 111606 (2021).
38. S. K. Behura*, A. Miranda, S. Nayak, K. Johnson, P. Das, and N. R. Pradhan, "Moiré Physics in Twisted van der Waals Heterostructures of 2D Materials," Emergent Materials, Vol. 4, p. 813-826 (2021). [Citations >40]
37. P. Das, S. K. Behura, S. A. McGill, D. Raghavan, A. Karim, and N. R. Pradhan, "Development of Photovoltaic Solar Cells Based on Heterostructure of Layered Materials: Challenges and Opportunities," Emergent Materials, Vol. 4, p. 881-900 (2021).
36. A. Pendse, S. Cetindag, P. Rehak, S. K. Behura, H. Gao, L. Nguyen, T. Wang, V. Berry, P. Král, J. Shan, and S. Kim, "Highly Efficient Osmotic Energy Harvesting in Charged Boron-Nitride-Nanopore Membranes," Advanced Functional Materials, Vol. 31, p. 2009586 (2021). [Citations >80]
35. P. S. Emani, H. A. Maddah, A. Rangoonwala, S. Che, A. Prajapati, M. R. Singh, D. M. Gruen*, V. Berry*, and S. K. Behura*, "Organophilicity of Graphene Oxide for Enhanced Wettability of ZnO Nanorods," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 12, p. 39772-39780 (2020).
34. H. A. Maddah, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura*, “Biomolecular Photosensitizers for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Recent Developments and Critical Insights,” Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 121, p. 109678 (2020). [Citations >130]
33. H. A. Maddah, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura*, “Cuboctahedral Stability in Titanium Halide Perovskites via Machine Learning,” Computational Materials Science, Vol. 173, p. 109415 (2020). [Citations >35]
32. C. Wang, S. K. Behura*, V. Berry*, "Temperature Dependent Device Characteristics of Graphene/h-BN/Si Heterojunction," Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 35, p. 075020 (2020).
31. S. Che, S. K. Behura, and V. Berry, “Photo-Organometallic, Nanoparticle-Nucleation on Graphene for Cascaded-Doping,” ACS Nano, Vol. 13, p. 12929-12938 (2019).
30. S. K. Behura*, C. Wang, Y. Wen, and V. Berry*, "Graphene-Semiconductor Heterojunction Sheds Light on Emerging Photovoltaics," Nature Photonics, Vol. 13, p. 312-318 (2019). [Citations >135]
[Highlighted as 'UIC Chemical Engineering Researchers Work on Emerging Photovoltaics': ChE News].
29. R. Debbarma, S. K. Behura*, Y. Wen, S. Che, and V. Berry*, “WS2-Induced Enhanced Optical Absorption and Efficiency in Graphene/Si Heterojunction Photovoltaic Cells,” Nanoscale, Vol. 10, p. 20218-20225 (2018). [Citations >20]
28. K. Jasuja, K. Ayinde, C. L. Wilson, S. K. Behura, M. A. Ikenbbery, D. Moore, K. Hohn, and V. Berry, “Introduction of Protonated Sites on Exfoliated, Large-Area Sheets of Hexagonal Boron Nitride,” ACS Nano, Vol. 12, p. 9931-9939 (2018). [Citations >60]
[Highlighted as 'UIC Chemical Engineers First to Functionalize Boron Nitride': EurekAlert & Phys.Org].
27. P. Nguyen#, S. K. Behura#, M. R. Seacrist, and V. Berry, “Intergrain Diffusion of Carbon Radical for Wafer-Scale, Direct Growth of Graphene on Silicon-based Dielectrics,” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 10, p. 26517-26525 (2018). (#P.N. and S.K.B Contributed Equally)
[Highlighted as 'New Trickle-Down Method Developed to 'Grow' Graphene': NDTV & Financial Express].
26. S. Che, K. Jasuja, S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, T. S. Sreeprasad, and V. Berry, "Retained Carrier-Mobility and Enhanced Plasmonic-Photovoltaics of Graphene via Ring-Centered η6 Functionalization and Nanointerfacing," Nano Letters, Vol. 17, p. 4381-4389 (2017). [Citations >50]
[Highlighted as 'New Chemical Method could Revolutionize Graphene': EurekAlert (AAAS) & Phys.Org].
25. S. K. Behura, K-C. Chang, Y. Wen, R. Debbarma, P. Nguyen, S. Che, S. Deng, M. R. Seacrist, and V. Berry, "WS2/Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells," IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, Vol. 11, p. 33-38 (2017). [Citations >20]
24. S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, R. Debbarma, S. Che, M. R. Seacrist, and V. Berry, "Chemical Interaction-Guided, Metal-Free Growth of Large-Area Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Si-based Substrates," ACS Nano, Vol. 11, p. 4985-4994 (2017). [Citations >40]
[Highlighted as 'Paper-Thin Graphene Electronics Move Closer to Reality': Nature India].
23. S. K. Behura*, H. Haokip, C. Goel, S. Nayak*, P. Mahala, R. Kapadia, and O. Jani, "Photovoltaic and Impedance Spectroscopic Characteristics of Heterojunction of Graphene-PEDOT:PSS Composite and n-Silicon Prepared via Solution-based Process," Materials Research Innovations, Vol. 21, p. 263-268 (2017).
22. S. Deng, E. Gao, Y. Wang, S. Sen, T. S. Sreeprasad, S. K. Behura, P. Král, Z. Xu, and V. Berry, "Confined, Oriented and Electrically Anisotropic Graphene Wrinkles on Bacteria," ACS Nano, Vol. 10, p. 8403-8412 (2016). [Citations >45]
[Highlighted as 'Germs Add Ripples to Make 'Groovy' Graphene': The Economist].
21. R. Debbarma, S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, T. S. Sreeprasad, and V. Berry, "Electrical Transport and Network Percolation in Graphene and Boron Nitride Mixed-Platelet Structures," ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 8, p. 8721-8727 (2016).[Citations >20]
20. P. Mahala, A. Kumar, S. Nayak, S. K. Behura*, C. Dhanavantri, and O. Jani, "Graphene, Conducting Polymer and their Composites as Transparent and Current Spreading Electrode in GaN Solar Cells," Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol. 92, p. 366-373 (2016). [Citations >20]
19. S. Nayak, S. K. Behura, B. P. Singh, and S. Bhattacharjee, "Flexible Polymer-CNTs Composite Developed by In-Situ Polymerization Technique," Polymer Composites, Vol. 37, p. 2860-2870 (2016).
18. S. K. Behura*, Q. Yang, A. Hirose, S. Nayak, O. Jani, and I. Mukhopdhyay, "Electrical Characteristics of Horizontally and Vertically Oriented Few-Layer Graphene on Si-based Dielectrics," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 16, p. 6246-6251 (2016).
17. S. K. Behura*, S. Nayak, Q. Yang, A. Hirose, and O. Jani, “Chemical Vapor Deposited Few-Layer Graphene as an Electron Field Emitter,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 16, p. 287-295 (2016).
16. S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, S. Che, R. Debbarma, and V. Berry, "Large-Area, Transfer-Free, Oxide-Assisted Synthesis of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Films and their Heterostructures with MoS2 and WS2," Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 137, p. 13060-13065 (2015). [Citations >145]
15. S. K. Behura and V. Berry, "Interfacial Nondegenerate Doping of MoS2 and Other Two-Dimensional Semiconductors," ACS Nano, Vol. 9, p. 2227-2230 (2015). [Citations >35]
14. K. Batra, S. Nayak, S. K. Behura*, and O. Jani, “Optimizing Performance Parameters of Chemically-Derived Graphene/p-Si Heterojunction Solar Cell,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 15, p. 4877-4882 (2015).
13. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura, A. Ray, C. Dhanavantri, and O. Jani, “GaN/InxGa1-xN/GaN P-I-N Solar Cell with Indium Compositional Grading,” Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 47, p. 1117-1126 (2015).
12. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura, C. Dhanavantri, A. Ray, and O. Jani, “Metal/InGaN Schottky Junction Solar Cells: An Analytical Approach,” Applied Physics A, Vol. 118, p. 1459-1468 (2015). [Citations >15]
11. S. K. Behura*, P. Mahala, S. Nayak, and O. Jani, “Graphene as Transparent and Current Spreading Electrode in Silicon Solar Cell,” AIP Advances, Vol. 4, p. 117111 (2014).
10. S. K. Behura, Q. Yang, A. Hirose, O. Jani, and I. Mukhopadhyay, “Catalyst-Free Synthesis of Si Nanowires by Oxidation and Reduction Process,” Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 49, p. 3592-97 (2014).
[Highlighted as 'Simple Cheap Way to Make Silicon Nanowires': Nature India & Times of India].
9. S. K. Behura, P. Mahala, S. Nayak, Q. Yang, I. Mukhopadhyay, and O. Jani, “Fabrication of Bi-Layer Graphene and Theoretical Simulation for its Possible Application in Thin Film Solar Cell,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 14, p. 3022-3027 (2014). [Citations >20]
8. S. Nayak, S. K. Behura, S. Bhattacharjee, B. P. Singh, O. Jani, and I. Mukhopadhyay, “Transparent Conductive MWCNTs-Polymer Composite for Electrode Applications," Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 14, p. 2816-2822 (2014).
7. S. K. Behura*, S. Nayak, I. Mukhopadhyay, and O. Jani, “Junction Characteristics of Chemically-Derived Graphene/p-Si Heterojunction Solar Cell,” Carbon, Vol. 67, p. 766-774 (2014). [Citations >80]
[Highlighted as 'State Scientists’ Solar Power Plan to Lift Cost Cloud': Times of India].
6. S. K. Behura, I. Mukhopadhyay, A. Hirose, Q. Yang, and O. Jani, “Vertically-Oriented Few-Layer Graphene as an Electron Field-Emitter,” Physica Status Solidi A, Vol. 210, p. 1817-1821 (2013). [Citations >35]
[Highlighted as 'Standing Graphene Film Scores over Flat Cousin': Nature India].
5. S. K. Behura, P. Mahala, A. Ray, I. Mukhopadhyay, and O. Jani, “Theoretical Simulation of Photovoltaic Response of Graphene-on-Semiconductors,” Applied Physics A, Vol. 111, p. 1159-1163 (2013). [Citations >25]
4. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura, A. S. Kushwaha, A. Ray, O. Jani, and C. Dhanavantri, “A Study on the 2D Simulation of Pt/InGaN/GaN/Metal Schottky Junction Solar Cell,” Semiconductor Science and Technology, Vol. 28, p. 055012 (2013).
3. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura*, and A. Ray, "Analytical Estimate of Open-Circuit Voltage of a Schottky Barrier Solar Cell under High Level Injection," Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, Vol. 3, p. 979-991 (2011).
2. S. K. Behura, P. Mahala, A. Ray, “A Model on the Effect of Injection Levels over the Open-Circuit Voltage of Schottky Barrier Solar Cells,” Journal of Electron Devices, Vol. 10, p. 471-482 (2011). [Citations >10]
1. S. M. Majhi, S. K. Behura, S. Bhattacharjee, B. P. Singh, T. K. Chongdar, N. M. Gokhale, and L. Besra, “Anode Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) by Electrophoretic Deposition,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 36, p. 14930-14935 (2011). [Citations >50]
Books and Book Chapters
4. R. K. Mishra, S. Parida, and S. K. Behura, "Multiferroics: Multifunctional Material," River Publishers Book on Dielectric Materials for Energy Storage and Energy Harvesting Devices, Edited by S. Rajput, S. Parida, A. Sharma, and Sonika, Chapter 9, p. 207-236 (2023).
3. S. Singh, A. Kumar, S. K. Behura, and K. Verma, "Challenges and Opportunities in Nanomanufacturing," CRC Book on Nanomanufacturing and Nanomaterials Design, Edited by S. Singh, S. K. Behura, A. Kumar, and K. Verma, Chapter 2, p. 17-30 (2022).
2. M. Mishra, S. K. Behura, M. Beidaghi, K. Verma, and S. Singh, "MXene: A Non-oxide Next Generation Energy Storage Materials for Batteries and Supercapacitors," Springer Book on Advanced Applications of 2D Nanostructures, Edited by Subhash Singh, Kartikey Verma, and Chandra Prakash, Chapter 6, p. 73-98 (2021).
1. H. A. Maddah, A. Jhally, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura*, "Highly Efficient DSSCs with 3D Graphene-based Materials," Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Book on Graphene-based 3D Macrostructures for Clean Energy and Environmental Applications, Edited by Rajasekhar Balasubramanian and Shamik Chowdhury, Chapter 8, p. 205-236 (2021).
3. S. Singh, A. Kumar, S. K. Behura, and K. Verma, "Challenges and Opportunities in Nanomanufacturing," CRC Book on Nanomanufacturing and Nanomaterials Design, Edited by S. Singh, S. K. Behura, A. Kumar, and K. Verma, Chapter 2, p. 17-30 (2022).
2. M. Mishra, S. K. Behura, M. Beidaghi, K. Verma, and S. Singh, "MXene: A Non-oxide Next Generation Energy Storage Materials for Batteries and Supercapacitors," Springer Book on Advanced Applications of 2D Nanostructures, Edited by Subhash Singh, Kartikey Verma, and Chandra Prakash, Chapter 6, p. 73-98 (2021).
1. H. A. Maddah, A. Jhally, V. Berry, and S. K. Behura*, "Highly Efficient DSSCs with 3D Graphene-based Materials," Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Book on Graphene-based 3D Macrostructures for Clean Energy and Environmental Applications, Edited by Rajasekhar Balasubramanian and Shamik Chowdhury, Chapter 8, p. 205-236 (2021).
Invited Editorials
2. N. R. Pradhan, B. H. Moon, and S. K. Behura, “Challenges and Opportunities for 2D Materials and Heterostructure Devices,” Emergent Materials, Vol. 4, p. 811-812 (2021).
1. D. Wang, S. K. Behura, F. Karim, A. Kazi, G. Wangila, and S. Wang, “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Food and Agroforestry,” ES Food and Agroforestry, Vol. 3, p. 1-3 (2021).
1. D. Wang, S. K. Behura, F. Karim, A. Kazi, G. Wangila, and S. Wang, “Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Food and Agroforestry,” ES Food and Agroforestry, Vol. 3, p. 1-3 (2021).
Publications in Referred Conference Proceedings
2. S. K. Behura, M. V. Rao, Q. Yang, A. Hirose, O. Jani, I. Mukhopadhyay, “Fabrication of Multiple-Layer Graphene Films on Cu/SiO2/Si Substrate by Hot-Filament CVD,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1538, p. 240-243 (2013).
1. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura, A. Ray, C. Dhanavantri, O. Jani, “The Effect of In Composition on Open-Circuit Voltage of InGaN Thin-Film Solar Cell: An Analytical and Computer Simulation Study,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1451, p. 85-87 (2012).
1. P. Mahala, S. K. Behura, A. Ray, C. Dhanavantri, O. Jani, “The Effect of In Composition on Open-Circuit Voltage of InGaN Thin-Film Solar Cell: An Analytical and Computer Simulation Study,” AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1451, p. 85-87 (2012).
Patents Granted and Applications
2. “Direct Formation of Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Silicon Based Dielectrics,” V. Berry, S. K. Behura, P. Nguyen, and M. R. Seacrist, Patent Number: US 10,658,472 B2 (Granted), May 19, 2020.
1. "Boron-Nitride Nanotube Membranes," S. Kim, J. Shan, V. Berry, S. Cetindag, S. K. Behura, A. Pendse, and R. Praino, WO2019014633A1, Priority: 7/14/2017, Publication: 1/17/2019.
1. "Boron-Nitride Nanotube Membranes," S. Kim, J. Shan, V. Berry, S. Cetindag, S. K. Behura, A. Pendse, and R. Praino, WO2019014633A1, Priority: 7/14/2017, Publication: 1/17/2019.
Invited Talks
42. 2D TMDs 2025, Cambridge University, "Optical Properties of 2D Semiconductors" Cambridge, UK (July 20-24, 2025).
41. SPIE Defense+Commercial Sensing, Orlando "Photophysics of Quantum Defects in 2D Materials" (April 13-17, 2025).
40. MRS Spring 2025, Seattle, "Photophysics of Quantum Defects in Layered Materials" (April 7-11, 2025).
39. University of San Diego, Physics Colloquium, "Photophysics of Quantum Emission in Layered Materials," (Feb. 27, 2025).
38. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, "Photophysics of Quantum Defects in Layered Materials" (January 27, 2025).
37. UC Davis Condensed Matter Seminar, "Photophysics of Quantum Emission in 2D Materials," Davis, CA (Nov. 21, 2024).
36. MATFRONT 2024, UC Merced, "Photophysics of Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials" Merced, CA (June 4, 2024).
35. NECSA 2024, PDEU, India, "Photophysics of Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials" (February 21, 2024).
34. MRS Student Chapter Symposium, UALR, "Photophysics of 2D Quantum Materials" Little Rock, AR (Oct. 26, 2023).
33. Quantum Design North America, "Photophysics of Quantum Materials at SDSU" San Diego, CA (October 4, 2023).
32. CA-USG Workshop on 2D Materials, UC Irvine, "Physics of Spin Defects in Layered Materials" (Sept. 21, 2023).
31. NORM 2023, Montana State University, "Single Photon Emitting Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride" (June 29, 2023).
30. ISSMD-2022, KIIT-Bhubaneswar, India, "Light-Matter Interactions in VDWs Heterostructures" (December 18, 2022).
29. FMAP-2022, SVNIT-Surat, India, "Photophysics in Quantum Flatland" (Virtual Plenary Talk) (October 15, 2022).
28. SDSU Computational Science Research Center, "Photophysics in Quantum Flatland" San Diego, CA (Sept. 2, 2022).
27. Arkansas Research Alliance, "Two-Dimensional (2D) Quantum Materials" (Virtual) (June 22, 2022).
26. San Diego State University, "Photophysics of Quantum Materials and Heterostructures," San Diego, CA (April 15, 2022).
25. Vellore Institute of Technology, India, "Light-Matter Interactions in VDW Heterostructures," (Virtual) (March 11, 2022).
24. University of North Dakota, "Photophysics of 2D Quantum Materials," Grand Forks, ND (January 28, 2022).
23. SRM University, India, 'Quantum 2D Materials for Green Energy,' Faculty Development Program (Virtual) (Oct. 13, 2021).
22. University of Arkansas Little Rock, “Functional Quantum Heterostructures,” Chemistry Seminar (Virtual) (Sept. 17, 2021).
21. Jackson State University, “Functional Quantum Heterostructures,” Chemistry Seminar (Virtual) (March 19, 2021).
20. Indian Academy Bangalore, “Two-Dimensional (2D) Lego,” International Webinar (Virtual) (December 30, 2020).
19. Clemson University, “Functional Quantum Heterostructures,” Webinar on Functional Materials (Virtual) (Nov. 19, 2020).
18. SVNIT-Surat, India, “Functional Quantum Heterostructures for Energy Conversion,” (Virtual) (October 28, 2020).
17. Salipur Autonomous College, India "2D Materials and Heterostructures," International Webinar (Virtual) (July 24, 2020).
16. University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, “2D van der Waals Heterostructures,” (Virtual) (July 8, 2020).
15. ETH Zurich, Department of Materials, “2D Materials and Engineered Heterostructures,” (Virtual) (June 22, 2020).
14. Western Kentucky University, “2D Quantum Heterostructures," (Virtual) (March 25, 2020).
13. University of Texas at San Antonio, “2D Quantum Heterostructures,” San Antonio, TX (March 4, 2020).
12. University of Washington, “2D Quantum Materials for Green Energy,” Seattle, WA (January 31, 2020).
11. George Mason University, “2D Quantum Materials and Sustainable Energy," Fairfax, VA (January 16, 2020).
10. Ramaco Carbon, “Coal Nanotechnology & Green Energy Applications," R3 2019, Sheridan, WY (July 11, 2019).
9. MTU Physics Colloquium, “Low-Dimensional Quantum Materials for Green Energy,” Houghton, MI (Oct. 25, 2018).
8. Ramaco Carbon, “Graphene Nanotechnology & Energy Harvesting," R3 2018, Sheridan, WY (July 11, 2018).
7. MRS Fall Meeting, “Nucleation of h-BN and Graphene for Heterostructure Circuits," Boston, MA (Nov. 30, 2017).
6. SunEdison Semiconductors, "Direct Synthesis and Device Physics of Heterostructures," St. Louis, MO (Nov. 19, 2015).
5. Gujarat Power Engineering Research Institute, "Advances in Graphene-based Solar Cells," GJ, India (Sept. 17, 2014).
4. 9th National Conference on Indian Energy Sector, "Development of Graphene for Photovoltaics," GJ, India (May 23, 2014).
3. SVNIT, "Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene," Training Program on Thin Films, GJ, India (December 13, 2013).
2. Symposium on Materials Challenges, “Advances in Graphene-based Solar Cells,” Ahmadabad, India (Sept. 16, 2013).
1. Salipur Autonomous College, "III-V Semiconductor-based Solar Cells," Dept. of Physics, Odisha, India (June 28, 2010).
41. SPIE Defense+Commercial Sensing, Orlando "Photophysics of Quantum Defects in 2D Materials" (April 13-17, 2025).
40. MRS Spring 2025, Seattle, "Photophysics of Quantum Defects in Layered Materials" (April 7-11, 2025).
39. University of San Diego, Physics Colloquium, "Photophysics of Quantum Emission in Layered Materials," (Feb. 27, 2025).
38. SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, "Photophysics of Quantum Defects in Layered Materials" (January 27, 2025).
37. UC Davis Condensed Matter Seminar, "Photophysics of Quantum Emission in 2D Materials," Davis, CA (Nov. 21, 2024).
36. MATFRONT 2024, UC Merced, "Photophysics of Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials" Merced, CA (June 4, 2024).
35. NECSA 2024, PDEU, India, "Photophysics of Two-Dimensional Quantum Materials" (February 21, 2024).
34. MRS Student Chapter Symposium, UALR, "Photophysics of 2D Quantum Materials" Little Rock, AR (Oct. 26, 2023).
33. Quantum Design North America, "Photophysics of Quantum Materials at SDSU" San Diego, CA (October 4, 2023).
32. CA-USG Workshop on 2D Materials, UC Irvine, "Physics of Spin Defects in Layered Materials" (Sept. 21, 2023).
31. NORM 2023, Montana State University, "Single Photon Emitting Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride" (June 29, 2023).
30. ISSMD-2022, KIIT-Bhubaneswar, India, "Light-Matter Interactions in VDWs Heterostructures" (December 18, 2022).
29. FMAP-2022, SVNIT-Surat, India, "Photophysics in Quantum Flatland" (Virtual Plenary Talk) (October 15, 2022).
28. SDSU Computational Science Research Center, "Photophysics in Quantum Flatland" San Diego, CA (Sept. 2, 2022).
27. Arkansas Research Alliance, "Two-Dimensional (2D) Quantum Materials" (Virtual) (June 22, 2022).
26. San Diego State University, "Photophysics of Quantum Materials and Heterostructures," San Diego, CA (April 15, 2022).
25. Vellore Institute of Technology, India, "Light-Matter Interactions in VDW Heterostructures," (Virtual) (March 11, 2022).
24. University of North Dakota, "Photophysics of 2D Quantum Materials," Grand Forks, ND (January 28, 2022).
23. SRM University, India, 'Quantum 2D Materials for Green Energy,' Faculty Development Program (Virtual) (Oct. 13, 2021).
22. University of Arkansas Little Rock, “Functional Quantum Heterostructures,” Chemistry Seminar (Virtual) (Sept. 17, 2021).
21. Jackson State University, “Functional Quantum Heterostructures,” Chemistry Seminar (Virtual) (March 19, 2021).
20. Indian Academy Bangalore, “Two-Dimensional (2D) Lego,” International Webinar (Virtual) (December 30, 2020).
19. Clemson University, “Functional Quantum Heterostructures,” Webinar on Functional Materials (Virtual) (Nov. 19, 2020).
18. SVNIT-Surat, India, “Functional Quantum Heterostructures for Energy Conversion,” (Virtual) (October 28, 2020).
17. Salipur Autonomous College, India "2D Materials and Heterostructures," International Webinar (Virtual) (July 24, 2020).
16. University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, “2D van der Waals Heterostructures,” (Virtual) (July 8, 2020).
15. ETH Zurich, Department of Materials, “2D Materials and Engineered Heterostructures,” (Virtual) (June 22, 2020).
14. Western Kentucky University, “2D Quantum Heterostructures," (Virtual) (March 25, 2020).
13. University of Texas at San Antonio, “2D Quantum Heterostructures,” San Antonio, TX (March 4, 2020).
12. University of Washington, “2D Quantum Materials for Green Energy,” Seattle, WA (January 31, 2020).
11. George Mason University, “2D Quantum Materials and Sustainable Energy," Fairfax, VA (January 16, 2020).
10. Ramaco Carbon, “Coal Nanotechnology & Green Energy Applications," R3 2019, Sheridan, WY (July 11, 2019).
9. MTU Physics Colloquium, “Low-Dimensional Quantum Materials for Green Energy,” Houghton, MI (Oct. 25, 2018).
8. Ramaco Carbon, “Graphene Nanotechnology & Energy Harvesting," R3 2018, Sheridan, WY (July 11, 2018).
7. MRS Fall Meeting, “Nucleation of h-BN and Graphene for Heterostructure Circuits," Boston, MA (Nov. 30, 2017).
6. SunEdison Semiconductors, "Direct Synthesis and Device Physics of Heterostructures," St. Louis, MO (Nov. 19, 2015).
5. Gujarat Power Engineering Research Institute, "Advances in Graphene-based Solar Cells," GJ, India (Sept. 17, 2014).
4. 9th National Conference on Indian Energy Sector, "Development of Graphene for Photovoltaics," GJ, India (May 23, 2014).
3. SVNIT, "Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene," Training Program on Thin Films, GJ, India (December 13, 2013).
2. Symposium on Materials Challenges, “Advances in Graphene-based Solar Cells,” Ahmadabad, India (Sept. 16, 2013).
1. Salipur Autonomous College, "III-V Semiconductor-based Solar Cells," Dept. of Physics, Odisha, India (June 28, 2010).